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Cleft chestnut pale fencing picture one Solid oak field gate set picture one Cleft chestnut paling (5ft high round garden) Heavy duty cleft chestnut post & rail. 3'6 High Hardwood entrance gate set picture one Sawn post & rail fencing treated dark brown with rabbit netting attached. Sawn post & rail fencing. Also available treated in creosote. Machined half round post & rail fencing 5' high for larger horses. Electric top wire. Half mesh galvanised gate system picture one Hi-Tensile stock proof fencing with Highland Cattle. Hi_tensile stock proof fencing, as straight as a gun barrel...! Hi-Tensile horse fencing Horse arena fencing and wood chip surface. Stream crossing with swinging rails for flood water to pass through. Cleft chestnut alternate height pale fencing picture 1 Cleft chestnut spiral tree guards 5' high. Cleft chestnut spiral tree guards 4' high. Softwood spiral tree guards picture one. Cattle handling system with 5 separate holding pens, solid board raceway to crush. Solid board raceway to crush, gate to divert cattle to crush or lorry, note no protruding hinges. Holding pens, 5 separate compartments.